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Friday, 6 July 2012
08.00 - 09.00: Registration
09.00 - 09.30: Opening
09.30 - 10.00: Invited Speaker
Ç óçìáóßá ôùí Áéãáéáêþí Ôïðéêþí Ðñïúüíôùí êáé Ðüñùí óôçí óõãêñüôçóç ôïõ Ôïõñéóôéêïý Ðñïúüíôïò ôçò Ðåñéï÷Þò
The importance of the Aegean Local Products and Resources in the formation of the area¢s Tourism Product
Paris Tsartas, Rector, University of the Aegean
10.00 - 11.30: Session 1
Keynote Speaker
Greece: Cradle of European Plant Genetic Diversity and Hotspot for Conservation Action
Nigel Maxted, University of Birmingham, UK
Ç óçìáóßá ôçò âéïðïéêéëüôçôáò êáé ôùí ðáñáäïóéáêþí ðïéêéëéþí óôçí åðï÷Þ ôçò ãïíéäéùìáôéêÞò ùò ðçãÞ ðïëýôéìùí ÷áñáêôÞñùí óôá öõôÜ: Ôï ðáñÜäåéãìá ôçò íôïìÜôáò
The role of biodiversity and the local traditional varieties in the era of genomics as a valuable source of genes in plants: the example of tomato
Athanasios Tsaftaris, Institute of Applied Biosciences
Ç óõìâïëÞ ôçò ÔñÜðåæáò ÄéáôÞñçóçò Ãåíåôéêïý Õëéêïý óôç äéÜóùóç êáé áíÜäåéîç ôïõ öõôïãåíåôéêïý ðëïýôïõ ôùí íçóéþí ôïõ Áéãáßïõ
The contribution of the Greek Genebank to the preservation and exploitation of the phytogenetic wealth of the Aegean islands
P. Ralli, A. Tsivelikas, S. Samaras, N. Stavropoulos, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, E. Kotali, Ministry of Rural Development and Food, E. Psarra, K. Ganitis, I. Gatzelaki, A. Stathi, I. Mylonas, E. Ninou
Ðñïúüíôá ðïéêéëéþí ðñïóôáôåõüìåíçò ïíïìáóßáò ðñïÝëåõóçò êáé ðïëëáðëáóéáóôéêü õëéêü
Traditional specialties products of protected designation of origin and plant propagated material
M. Koutsika-Sotiriou, I. Mylonas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, A. Tsivelikas, A. Traka-Mavrona, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”
×ñÞóç ôïõ DNA êáé ôçò ôå÷íïëïãßáò DNA-Barcoding ãéá ôçí ìåëÝôç ôçò âéïðïéêéëüôçôáò êáé ôç äéÜêñéóç ôùí åéäþí êáé ôùí ôïðéêþí ðïéêéëéþí
The use of DNA and DNA barcoding technology in the study of biodiversity species identification and local varieties
P. Madesis, A. Tsaftaris, Institute of Applied Biosciences, I. Ganopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
11.30 - 12.00: Coffee break
12.00 - 14.00: Session 2
Éóïæýãéï ôùí åñåõíçôéêþí ðñïóðáèåéþí óôçí áîéïðïßçóç ôùí ôïðéêþí ðïéêéëéþí ìéêñüêáñðçò ôïìÜôáò
An overall assessment of research efforts in the exploitation of local small-sized tomato cultivars
A. Traka-Mavrona, A. Tsivelikas, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, M. Koutsika-Sotiriou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
ÔïðéêÝò ðïéêéëßåò ËÞìíïõ êáé ËåõêÜäáò
Crop landraces of Lemnos and Lefkada islands
P. Bebeli, K. Thomas, R. Thanopoulos, Agricultural University of Athens
H. Knuepffer, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Germany
Êáëëéåñãïýíôáé áêüìá ôïðéêÝò ðïéêéëßåò; Ç ðåñßðôùóç ôçò ËÝóâïõ
Are landraces' still cultivated? The Lesvos case
R. Thanopoulos, P. Bebeli, Agricultural University of Athens, K. Koutis, Egilopas (NGO), R. Tsiggou, South Aegean Region
Íôüðéåò ðïéêéëßåò: Ðáñåëèüí Þ ìÝëëïí;
Local varieties: past or future?
P. Kladou, M. Panagou, I. Papadopoulos, S. Tompras, K. Douma, V. Oikonomou, University of the Aegean
Áãñï-âéïðïéêéëüôçôá óôç ËÝóâï: ìåëÝôç êáé êáôáãñáöÞ ôïðéêþí ðïéêéëéþí êáëëéåñãïýìåíùí äÝíôñùí êáé áìðÝëïõ
Agro-biodiversity in Lesvos Island: inventory of local varieties of cultivated trees and vineyard
K. Douma, A. Galanidis, University of the Aegean
Äéåñåýíçóç äõíáôüôçôáò äçìéïõñãßáò ðïëëáðëáóéáóôéêïý õëéêïý êÜððáñçò (Capparis sp.)
Assessment of the potential for production of caper (Capparis sp) propagation material
A.L. Tsivelikas, P. Ralli, E. Traka-Mavrona, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, D. Vogiatzis, S. Kostas, Ì. Êoutsika-Sotiriou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
14.00 - 15.00: Lunch break
15.00 - 17.00: Session 3
Hans Stubbe's expedition to Crete in 1942 to collect plant genetic resources
Helmut Knüpffer, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Germany
Ðñïóôáóßá êáé åíßó÷õóç ôçò ôïðéêÞò ðáñáãùãÞò
Protection and value-adding of local production
Markos Kafouros, President, Association Cooperatives of Theraic Products, SantoWines
Oé êñüêïé ôçò Óáíôïñßíçò
Saffrons of Santorini
Samson Katsipis, Naturalist, Walter Friedrich, University of Aarhus
Ï áìðåëþíáò ôçò Óáíôïñßíçò: Ìßá äéá÷ñïíéêÜ áíåêôßìçôç êëçñïíïìéÜ
The vineyard of Santorini: A priceless heritage
Serkos Haroutounian, Agricultural University of Athens
Tá ìáíéôÜñéá ôçò Óáíôïñßíçò
The mushrooms in Santorini
Samson Katsipis, Naturalist
ÌåëÝôç ôùí êëþíùí, ôùí ôýðùí êáé ôùí ðáñáëëáãþí ôçò ÊïñéíèéáêÞò Óôáößäáò (Vitis vinifera L.) ìå ôçí áìðåëïãñáöéêÞ ðåñéãñáöÞ êáé ôéò ìïñéáêÝò ìåèüäïõò.
Study of the clones, biotypes and mutations of grape vine cultivar Korinthiaki (staphis) (Vitis vinifera L.) using ampelographic description and molecular methods.
Maritina Stavrakaki, Katerina Biniari, Agricultural University of Athens
20.00 Public Event
Opening – Officials - Award
20.30- 20.50: Keynote Speech
ÅðéóôñïöÞ óôç ãç êáé óôéò ãåùñãéêÝò êáëëéÝñãåéåò
The return to land and agriculture
D. Michaelidis, Journalist
20.50 - 21.40: Round Table Discussion
Ãáóôñïíïìßá êáé Ôïõñéóìüò óôçí åðï÷Þ ôçò êñßóçò
Gastronomy and Tourism in the crisis era
Coordinator: Dimitris Antonopoulos, Journalist
Panelists: Nikos Zorzos, Mayor of Thera, Eft. Bletsas, TV Show Host and Food Author, Dina Nikolaou, Chef, Paris Tsartas, Rector of the University of the Aegean, George Hatziyannakis, Restaurant owner
21.40 - 22.00
ÐñïâïëÞ ôáéíßáò ìéêñïý ìÞêïõò «ÍÝïé + ÐáñÜäïóç = ÌÝëëïí» ôùí ìáèçôþí ôïõ Äçìïôéêïý Ó÷ïëåßïõ ôçò Ïßáò
Short film presentation by the students of Oia
Äéáãùíéóìüò ìáãåéñéêÞò ãéá ôïí Êáëýôåñï ÔïìáôïêåöôÝ
Competition for the best “Tomato ball”/ “Tomatokefte”
Coordinator: Dina Nikolaou, Chef
22.10 - 22.30
Foodmusic Show with Eft. Bletsas, TV Show Host and Food Author
Áíáêïßíùóç ÍéêÞôñéáò Äéáãùíéóìïý ÌáãåéñéêÞò – ÓáíôïñéíéÜ ÐáíÞãõñç
Award – Local festival “panygiris”
Saturday, 7 July 2012
09.30 - 11.30: Session 4
Ï ðïéêéëéáêüò ðëïýôïò ôïõ áéãáéïðåëáãßôéêïõ áìðåëþíá. ÓõìâïëÞ óôçí áéóèçôéêÞ ôïõ áãñïôéêïý ôïðßïõ.
The varietal wealth of the Aegean region vineyards. Contribution in the aesthetics of the rural landscape
Manolis N. Stavrakakis, Agricultural University of Athens
Ç êüíõæá, Ýíá êïéíü æéæÜíéï óå åëáéþíåò êáé áìðåëþíåò ôçò ÊñÞôçò êáé Üëëùí íçóéþí, áíáðôýóóåé áíèåêôéêüôçôá óôï æéæáíéïêôüíï glyfosate
Conyza spp., a common weed in olive orchards and vineyards of Crete and other islands, develops resistance to glyphosate herbicide
Konstantinos Giannopolitis, Agronomist, Editor, Agrotypos S.A.
ÅöáñìïãÞ ôùí íÝùí ôå÷íïëïãéþí ãéá ôç äéáôÞñçóç ôùí ôïðéêþí öõôoãåíåôéêþí ðüñùí
Application of new technologies for the conservation of local plant genetic resources
Christina Vogiatzi, Brian Grout, University of Copenhagen
ÌåëÝôç ìïñöïëïãéêþí ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêþí êáé äçìïãñáöéêþí ðáñáìÝôñùí áõôïöõþí åéäþí êñüêïõ ôùí ÊõêëÜäùí êáé ôçò ÊñÞôçò
Morphological characteristics and demographical parameters studies of wild crocus species in Cyclades islands and Crete
P. Ralli, A. Traka-Mavrona, K. Economakis, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, C. Dordas, M. Koutsika-Sotiriou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, S. Katsipis, Emporio High School, C. Alexandris, Association Cooperatives of Theraic Products, K. Simoglou, Prefecture of Drama
11.30-12.00: Coffee break
12.00-13.30: Session 5
Ç ÁãñïôéêÞ ÐáñÜäïóç ôùí ÊõêëÜäùí
The agricultural heritage of the Cycladic islands
Manolis Lignos, Editor of “Thiraika Nea” Newspaper, Founder of Em. Lignos Folclore Museum in Santorini
Åðé÷åéñçóéáêü Ó÷Ýäéï Åðáíá÷ñçóéìïðïßçóçò ãáéþí óôá íçóéÜ ôïõ Áéãáßïõ ìå ôïðéêÝò ðïéêéëßåò ãåùñãéêþí ðñïúüíôùí
SPROUT ADEPT: Business Plan for Sustainable Production & Organization/UTilization of AbanDonEd Partites of Terra, on the Aegean islands using local varieties
Yolanda Totsiou, Innnovation and Quality Consultant, Christina Efthimiatou, Development Consultant -Ecological Wind South Aegean
Áéãáéïðåëáãßôéêç äéáôñïöÞ: ¼÷çìá ãéá ôçí ðñïâïëÞ êáé ðñïþèçóç ôùí ôïðéêþí ðñïúüíôùí
Aegean Cuisine: Forum for the promotion of local products
George Kalostos, Project Manager Aegean Cuisine
ËáúêÞ èåñáðåõôéêÞ óôç ÖïëÝãáíäñï ôùí ÊõêëÜäùí: Aññþóôéåò êáé ãéáôñïóüöéá
Popular treatment in Folegandros of Cyclades: Diseases and nostrums
Katerina Marinaki, Journalist, Folklorist
ÁñùìáôéêÜ öõôÜ êáé ðáñáäïóéáêÜ ðñïúüíôá óôç Óáíôïñßíç
Aromatic plants and traditional products in Santorini
Students of Thera EPAL
13.30 - 15.00: Lunch & Poster Presentation
15.30 - 17.30: Guided Visit of the Santorini of the Past Cultural Village, at Pyrgos
Round Table Discussion
Ôá ôïðéêÜ ðñïúüíôá êáé ç ðáñÜäïóç óôç óõãêñüôçóç ôïõ ôïõñéóôéêïý ðñïúüíôïò
The local products and cultural heritage in the formation of the area¢s tourism product
Coordinator: George Hatziyannakis, Selene Restaurant
Panelists: Dimitris Antonopoulos, Journalist, Mathaios Dimopoulos, General Manager SantoWines, Vassilis Zacharakis, Nichteri Restaurant, George Kalostos, Project Manager Aegean Cuisine, Ivi Hryssou, “Santorini of the Past Cultural Village, Stefanos Georgas, Sales Director at Argyros Estate
"REVERSE"- ÐåñéöåñåéáêÝò áíôáëëáãÝò êáé ÷Üñáîç ðïëéôéêÞò ãéá ôçí ðñïóôáóßá êáé áíáäåéîç ôçò Âéïðïéêéëüôçôáò óôçí Åõñþðç (Ðñüãñáììá INTERREG IVC, 2010-2012): Ãåùñãßá êáé Âéïðïéêéëüôçôá
"REVERSE" - Regional exchanges and policy making for protecting and valorising biodiVERSity in Europe (Programme Interreg IVC, 2010-2012): Agriculture and Biodiversity
A. Kokkinaki, P. Gotsiou Panagiota, C. Fournaraki, E. Markaki, A. Stamatakis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh)
Äéåñåýíçóç ôçò ìïñéáêÞò êáé öáéíïôõðéêÞò ðáñáëëáêôéêüôçôáò óå ãåíåôéêü õëéêü ìðÜìéáò (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)
Research on genetic material of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) using molecular and phenotypic markers
O. Kyriakopoulou, H. Passam, P. Bebeli, Agricultural University of Athens, P. Arens, Wageningen University
ÅíäçìéêÜ åêöõëéóôéêÜ ðáèïãüíá êáé åîõãßáíóç áõôüñéæùí ðïéêéëéþí áìðÝëïõ ôùí ÊõêëÜäùí
Endemic grapevine degenerative pathogens and sanitation of self rooted grapevine varieties of Cyclades
A. Avgelis, G. Grammatikaki, Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”
ÌåëÝôç ðáñáëëáêôéêüôçôáò åã÷þñéùí ðëçèõóìþí êïõêéïý (Vicia faba L.) ùò ðñïò ôçí áðüäïóç êáé ïñéóìÝíá ðïóïôéêÜ ÷áñáêôçñéóôéêÜ Üíèéóçò êáé êáñðüäåóçò
Diversity in yield, flowering and seed-setting in faba bean local populations
T.P. Papastylianou, P. Terzopoulos, P. Bebeli, Agricultural University of Athens
Ðïéêéëüôçôá áéãáéïðåëáãßôéêùí ðëçèõóìþí ôïìÜôáò (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Diversity of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) landraces grown in Aegean islands
P. Terzopoulos, P. Bebeli, Agricultural University of Athens
ÓõíäõáóìÝíç ÷ñÞóç ìïñéáêþí äåéêôþí êáé High Resolution Melting (HRM) áíÜëõóçò ãéá ôçí ðñïóôáóßá ôùí ôïðéêþí ðïéêéëéþí êáé ôùí ðñïúüíôùí ôïõò: ôá ðáñáäåßãìáôá ôçò ðïéêéëßáò «ÔñáãáíÜ ÅäÝóóçò» êáé ôçò “ÖÜâáò Óáíôïñßíçò”
The combined use of molecular markers and High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis for the protection of local varieties and their product the examples of sweet cherry “Tragana Edesis” and “Fava Santorinis”
I. Ganopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P. Madesis, A. Tsaftaris, Institute of Applied Biosciences